What Moves U
A visit to Kennedy Middle School to celebrate its students' committment to physical fitness.

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Sir Purr takes the court.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Chris Harris and Sir Purr get the students fired up.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Thomas Davis greets his team.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Chris Harris ponders the answer to a question ...
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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... and exults when he gets it right.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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One of the "physical challenges" for Kennedy Middle students: Dancing.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Sir Purr shows off some moves.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Another of the "physical challenges" was to dress like an NFL player -- and do so quickly. Here, Thomas Davis and his young teammates give a Kennedy Middle School teacher their helping hands.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Another "physical challenge" ... having teachers run an obstacle course.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com

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Brandishing the banner.
Andrew Mason / Panthers.com
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