Make-A-Wish TopCat
Special girl honorary cheerleader for a game.

Isabella Santos arrives at Bank of America Stadium to begin her day as an honorary TopCat.

Isabella, age 6, has bravely battled a form of cancer called neuroblastoma since she was 2.

The TopCats show Isabella her locker filled with her official TopCats uniform, pictures and notes.

Isabella receives her official TopCats pompoms.

Panthers Owner/Founder Jerry Richardson visits Isabella while she prepares for pregame.

Isabella gets a surprise visit from Sir Purr, who gives her a Sir Purr pillow pet.

Isabella rehearses dance routines with the TopCats.

Isabella shows the TopCats how to perform player introductions.

Isabella leads the TopCats in their traditional pregame "Let's Go TopCats" cheer.

Isabella smiles as she gets ready to hit the field.

Isabella hits the field for pregame activities.

Isabella waves to fans as she prepares for player introductions.

Isabella and her family meet Steve Smith during player warm-ups.

Isabella cheers on the Panthers during player introductions.

Isabella stands in formation with the TopCats on the sideline.

Isabella smiles for the television audience.

Isabella and her TopCat friends cheer from the sideline.

Isabella and the TopCats pose for a group picture.

Isabella gives the TopCats a group hug at the end of the game.

Isabella's wish was to be a Carolina Panthers TopCat. For more information about her story and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, please visit and