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TopCats / The Workshop

TopCats / The Workshop

Do you have your eyes set on becoming a TopCat but don't know exactly where to start? It seems like we wait all year long for one clinic to roll around to prepare ourselves for an audition happening a mere 2 weeks later. Preparation and training take time and dedication—so if you are ready to earn your spot, this is for you.

Introducing, The Workshop—presented by the official trainers of the TopCats, West Kept Secret. We have designed an online streaming opportunity for you to learn real field routines and sidelines performed by the TopCats, as you make your way to your video submission for the upcoming squad.

We have broken this down into 4 packages to fit your budget and your speed of learning. Packages A, B, and C consist of different routines and sidelines from eachother. If you need to take your time on this path, go ahead and pick one of these three. When you are ready to learn more, head on back, but be sure not to re-select the same package again. If you want a one and done purchase, Package D will include all material offered plus 2 bonus routines only offered in this package.

Package A: $120 - 2 Routines + 2 Sidelines

Package B: $120 - 2 Routines + 2 Sidelines

Package C: $120 - 2 Routines + 2 Sidelines

Package D: $350 - 6 Sidelines + 8 Routines – All Sidelines + 2 Bonus Routines

The Workshop Trailer

Get pumped for our new dance program on-demand from the TopCats.