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Cheerleader Cam and other notes from Nashville


NASHVILLE – Less than two years after [Cam Newtoninternal-link-placeholder-0] introduced Nashville to the dab, the Panthers quarterback again left folks around the Titans bemused.

From fans in the stands to local media, those not used to Newton's in-practice screams were left wondering why a guy who wasn't even on the field was so boisterous.

"Yeah, that's new for you guys, that's not new for us," tight end Greg Olsen told a confused but somewhat entertained media member. "That's old news in Charlotte."

Added head coach Ron Rivera: "He's trying to bring a little energy - or at least he believes he's bringing energy, and that's the important part is trying to get his guys going."

Newton was again limited to a handful of throws during individual drills early in practice, leaving backup Derek Anderson all the work with the starters in team periods. But there's a chance Newton could get to yell about things on the field during Thursday's second joint practice.

"We'll talk about that when we get done," Rivera said when asked if Newton would again be held out of team periods. "We wanted to see how he felt today. He threw the ball pretty good in the drills that we controlled so we'll see what happens and we'll make a decision probably tomorrow."

Done deal for Davis:With the ink now dry on a one-year extension that will let him remain a Panther through 2018, linebacker Thomas Davis no longer has to worry about the business part of his job.

But even if the Dave Gettleman era hadn't ended abruptly, odds were always extremely high that the Panthers and Davis would eventually agree on something.

"I was comfortable and confident that something was going to get done," Davis said. "It's a process; it's not just something that happens overnight. It's a negotiation for a reason. Both sides came together, we came up with something that was fair for both sides, and now we're moving forward."

Opponent admiration:My astute colleague Max Henson noticed something in one of Davis' recent Instagram posts. The photo credit below belongs to Titans linebacker Wesley Woodward:

So what's the connection?

First, they're both Georgia natives. And, like so many in the NFL, Woodward looks up to the Panthers' 13-year veteran.

"I have so much respect for him on and off the football field," Woodyard said. "Man, he's my brother. Just to see his growth over his career, and his story is amazing.

"With all those injuries he's had and to be able to come back and play at a high level, it inspires everybody. He got knocked down and kept on getting right back up."

Heating up:The Titans were having a relatively mild training camp weather-wise. Then came Wednesday.

According to local reporters, the first of two joint sessions was easily the warmest practice of the summer here. And even though temperatures barely reached above 90, stifling humidity made it seem much warmer than Spartanburg the past couple of weeks.

"Ya think?" Olsen said with a smirk. "Thanks, Nashville."

But not everyone felt like Olsen.

"Olsen doesn't know what he's talking about," Rivera said. "I thought it was hotter Saturday and Sunday (in Spartanburg).

"Of course, he's the one running around, not me."

View photos of Wednesday's joint practice with the Panthers and Titans in Nashville.

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