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Foxhole: Campfire chat


Comments from Carolina Panthers head coach John Fox after the team reported to training camp.

On if everybody passed their physical: To my knowledge, right now, yeah. I'll have a little more information on that, but everybody came back in good shape and ready to roll.

On if there is a higher energy level at training camp because there are so many new faces: Every year this time of year, it's the first time back from a year ago that you're actually playing padded football. We've gotten a chance to see some of these new faces through minicamps and the OTAs, so it's not completely strange but it will be the first time that we'll be in full pads and practicing real football.

On the importance of getting quarterback Jimmy Clausen signed: Your draft picks, with every day they miss, it takes a week to catch up. I think it's always important to have your draft picks signed. We've done pretty well with that over the years. The last one I can remember really of any extension was Jon Beason, and he had a good rookie year for us. But I think it's definitely helpful to have everybody in camp to start practice.

On if he knows when wide receiver Steve Smith will practice: No. Adopting back into regular-season mode, it will be in his case probably week-to-week, but that will be a medical decision and we will take that as slow as needed.

On roster moves: With the addition of Jimmy when he signed, we released Brett Warren – a linebacker.

On visiting members of the U.S. military for several days this summer as part of the NFL-USO Coaches Tour: It was inspiring. They're amazing, everybody over there from the leadership to the troops. The sacrifice and commitment they make is probably second to none. It was a neat experience.

On seeing the troops and military equipment in action: It's pretty amazing. We got a chance to see everything from Apache helicopters to F-15 fighter jets, and even some of their new transportation, replacing the Humvee. There are a lot of efforts going into our equipment as well.

On his reaction when his plane hit a bird: Little bit startled - I think I can speak for most of the guys on that plane. It was an interesting experience, especially being loaded with ammo. It could have been an interesting landing.

On if camp will be different because of how young the team is: I've been doing this for quite some time, and we'll attack camp just like we always do. You tweak things every year. We are young, but I think we're energetic. I like the ability of guys. I saw enough in our offseason stuff to see that. Now it's just about molding this into a team. Every year your team has a new personality, whether it's laced with veterans or not. It's always an exciting time of year.

On if he sees Matt Moore taking on more of a leadership role now that he is the starting quarterback: I think it's kind of a natural progression. All of a sudden you're the starting quarterback, and with that comes responsibility that way. He's got those abilities; he has those intangibles. It all really kind of works around performance. I think that's what we're here to get better at.

On if there are any players that he expects to not practice on Thursday: We'll make those decisions the closer that gets. I'd rather not say now and it change by tomorrow. We'll know that tomorrow morning.

On if the first practice will be padded: Yep – full pads.

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