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Foxhole: Peppers to play more?

Comments from Carolina Panthers head coach John Fox following the team's practice.

On injuries: Doubtful: Charles Godfrey - ankle (did not participate), Brad Hoover - ankle (did not participate), and Charles Johnson - pectoral (did not participate). Questionable: Damione Lewis - shoulder (full participation), Jonathan Stewart - Achilles (full participation) and DeAngelo Williams - knee (did not participate).

On if running back DeAngelo Williams aggravated his knee: No…just rested him.

On if defensive end Julius Peppers will play more against Miami than he did against Atlanta: There's a possibility of that.


On how much the run defense was affected against the Falcons by Peppers being limited: We were without a couple of guys. That was the first game Thomas Davis didn't play and Julius was limited, so all that was a factor. I think sometimes what you're trying to take away is a factor, also. So a combination of all of the above.

On if he has ever played on Thursday before: Yeah, I played Thanksgiving when I was with the Steelers.

On how the schedule changes on a short week: A lot of times your weekly schedule, regardless of whether it's following a Monday night game or you've got a Saturday night game or a Sunday night game, you try to know where your team is. You kind of tweak your schedule to make sure you've got enough guys to practice and yet you practice enough to where you know what you're doing and yet still be fresh enough to play. I think so much of it is where your team is at that point in time and how you handle your team for that time.

On wide receiver Muhsin Muhammad's longevity: Moose understands what it takes to have longevity in this league. He takes great care of himself. That's probably the same with any guy I've ever been around for a substantial amount of time, whether it's John Kasay or Moose. Rod Woodson played a lot of years; Junior Seau has played a long time. All those players that I've had time with, the one thing in common is, number one - they're very good players, and number two - they take great care of themselves during the offseason. They know what it takes to be a pro.

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