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Foxhole: Swarming defense


Comments from Carolina Panthers head coach John Fox following the team's summer school practice.

On the defense's style of play: I think we'll swarm to the ball. We're really stressing running to the ball, putting pressure on the ball - both in the passing game and in the run game as far as stripping the ball and those types of things. (Defensive coordinator) Ron Meeks has been a very accomplished coordinator in this league, a guy that's been in the league for close to 20 years. I like what he and the staff have done so far.

On how special the defense could be if rookie defensive end Everette Brown develops and defensive end Julius Peppers plays this season: You are always looking for that pass rush. The best pass defense in the world is your rush. We fell off in that area a little bit a year ago, and I felt like we needed to infuse some talent there. That's why we picked up Everette. Julius has been a real steady performer for us over the years. Hilee Taylor was a young guy that we picked up a year ago that showed some promise, and Charles Johnson is another year better. We're hoping that's an area we can improve in.

On what he expects from wide receiver Dwayne Jarrett this season: He's a young player that, hopefully, makes great leaps and bounds this year. I saw some progress last year and anticipate seeing one more year of growth again this year. That's what a lot of the offseason is for - guys getting their bodies ready to play and right now just mentally in the football end of it. He's gotten more reps. Moose (Muhsin Muhammad) missed last week, and that was an opportunity for him and I saw some improvement there.

On if he has been impressed by rookie running back Mike Goodson's quickness: Yeah. He impressed me on tape; that's why we drafted him. He's a young guy that's learning our system, both on offense and special teams. I think he's got those kinds of abilities, and that's why we're out here.

On why linebacker Thomas Davis did not practice: He had an appointment this morning. He was excused. He got out here a little late, so he didn't practice today.

On why running back Jonathan Stewart did not practice: He also had an appointment today, so he wasn't at practice.

On losing weight this offseason: My wife wonders where that other part of me came from. I'm getting back to more normal. We had a little staff contest this offseason. I think combined we lost about 570 pounds. It's been good for us. Our trainer was on us pretty good.

On how much weight he has lost: I'm down about 25 (pounds). I'm getting there.

On if diet or exercise contributed to his weight loss: Combination of both. Just living right.

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