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Game Quotes: Panthers at Seahawks


Initial reaction to the Panthers' victory: "This was one of the bigger victories that we have had since I have been here. One of the things that stood out and one of the things that l liked today was the resiliency. One of the things that I told the guys on the sideline was to keep pounding. One of the things that I told Cam was just to take it one at a time. Let's get one score at a time. Let's not press it. He did the things that he needed to do. He threw some good balls. He delivered a very catchable ball on several occasions. The guys made some great plays too. We had some opportunities earlier in the game and we didn't capitalize on them. We turned the ball over unfortunately and you do that against good football teams, your going to lose. Fortunately enough for us, the defense held and forced field goals. When you forced field goals, you give yourself a chance to win."

On his feelings about the win: "It means a lot because these are the defending NFC champs two years in a row and Super Bowl champs two seasons ago. This is a good football team. We were fortunate enough to win. Let's don't forget what they went through last year and what they ended up doing. This is a good football team we faced but who knows maybe we will face them again. Hopefully we will get that opportunity. We have to take care of our business and play them one at a time. Pretty soon we will start getting ready for our next game."

On Cam Newton's performance: "I think that one of the things that stood out was that we ran the ball effectively in the second half. I think that Jonathan (Stewart) grinded it out and some really good things by Mike Tolbert and Fozzy Whittaker stepping up. He had some opportunities. We were able to grind the ball a little bit and loosen them up a little bit, which gave us the opportunity to throw the ball down the field."
I thought our coaches made a great adjustment as far as protection was concerned from the first half to the second half. I thought they did a nice job. I thought at the goal line, Pete Hoener was right on in terms of giving Mike (Shula) a set of calls to use in the goal line situation. Some of the things that happened spoke well to the type of team we are."

On Newton turning things around: "He was struggling early but again other things happened. We gave him a little more protection. His turnovers were the result of protection break downs. I thought some of the adjustments made by our coaches, particularly by the line coaches and the rest of the coaching staff, coming up with some ideas to help protect the quarterback really paid off. At the right time our receivers made some plays."

On Jonathan Stewart's performance: "He played probably more than I would have really like to. When you get in these kinds of games, you have to go with him. He was tremendous. He played a heck of a football game, as did a lot of guys. They really did, I can't wait to see the tape."

On Greg Olsen's game-winning touchdown: "We got the coverage I think that Mike (Shula) was looking for, that was a seam route by Greg. He was able to get into the seam and the safeties were split. He was able to get in that sweet area. I thought it was a heck of a throw."

On what is next for the Panthers: "Well eventually its going to be the standard in the NFL. Right now, the standard in the NFL is New England. That's what everybody is gunning for. So we have to continue just to do our job, take it one at a time. So we have to start getting ready and get focus on Philadelphia."

Thoughts on the Panthers' early wake-up call in the form of a fire alarm: "Well somehow there was a malfunction with the fire alarm. We will let the league and the hotel take care of it. I'm not sure what happened. It happened in the middle of the hotel. I was on one of the top floors. I didn't have to get up, I was already up. It was 5:30 here, so it was 8:30 back there. I did hear the fire trucks but I didn't think it was for us. I just kind of laid back down and was reading. Then I got the phone call saying hey we have the fire alarm down here. They said most of the guys were up already, so it really didn't matter. I really don't think it mattered."

On whether or not he thinks the Panthers are one of the best teams in the league: "No, I think we're competing to be one of the best teams. Again to make any proclamation right now would be foolhardy. I think the thing we have to look at is that we will still have a long way to go. We have 11 games left to play. We have some teams in our division who are playing really well right now, both New Orleans and Atlanta. Tampa is fighting. It's going to be a tough division. There are no cake walks for us or for anybody in this league. We have to just keep playing."


On what, if anything, turned this game in Carolina's favor: "It wasn't necessarily nothing that turned around. We just had to come in here, we knew what kind of environment this was going to be and we just had to keep fighting.  Staying resilient, keep pushing and keep holding ourselves accountable.  I would have been shame on me if I would have felt sorry for myself, and I didn't expect anyone else to feel sorry for me, nor do I expect somebody else that made mistakes in this game to feel sorry for themselves.  We knew what we signed up for coming into this game.  We had a long week of good therapy coming off a bye. We just have to keep it going."

On defeating the Seahawks in Seattle: "Well, we were just doing our job.  Nothing special.  They're a good team. We're a good team, too, and it's just time for us just to keep going. We've got to take this win and feed off of it and prepare for next week."

On Greg Olsen's touchdown catch: "It was a panic early on, trying to get out the huddle.  But after we get set, it was just Greg being Greg. I don't want to make this about me.  It was a great team win, and an unbelievable catch by Greg.  Just an unbelievable game by him, being there when I needed him the most. Before that play, Cotch made a one-handed catch that kept the drive going.  Just everybody stepping up to the plate and making plays, and that's what we're going to need more of."

On what sort of confidence boost this could give the team: "Hopefully it could be a big boost for us going into the next game. But the season don't stop for us, nor does everybody give us props.  We've just got to get prepared and be ready to go next week."

On if this was a signature win: "I don't want to start thinking about playoffs now, because it's still a long season that's left. We're just five games in on a 16- or 17-week season, and we've just got to keep our heads down and stay focused and bringing our best foot forward, our individual best foot forward. That's going to make a big impact for the team."

On Jonathan Stewart's play: "Stew was playing like a madman.  We're going to need him to be just like that. The challenge was going in for him was be healthy, just be him.  But along that, we got ample help to back him.  We got Tolbert, we got Fozzie.  They understand they all mesh together and they all expect greatness. Stew runs had and explosive in the end zone."


On the game-winning touchdown: "It was the same play we called the series prior – I got tackled down at the 1… We called the exact same play out of the exact same formation. We got another really good look – I was able to kind of get up in that post and between that coverage with the corner and whoever the single-high guy was – I don't know what happened on their side, but there was a lot of space to run and Cam put the ball out there. That was pretty much it."

On if the approach to the final drive was going to be a touchdown or field goal: "We didn't really talk about it. We weren't going to predetermine what our attitude was. We had a ton of time – we had one timeout, plus the two-minute warning. Granted [Jon Ryan] had a hell of a punt. It was a touchback and it seemed like he kicked it 80 yards. We knew we had to go a long way – we weren't panicking, we had a lot of composure. We didn't really say a lot in the huddle; we had been there before… From there, we just kind of rolled. We bounced back from the sack and it says a lot about our guys."

On not reaching our for the goal-line from the 1: "I had visions of getting the ball knocked out. We all saw what happened [against Detroit]. Unless it's fourth down at the end of the game with no time, it's just not worth it. With Stewart and our offensive line – I don't care about touchdowns, I am not going to jeopardize the team to try to get an extra touchdown. I try as hard as I can to protect the ball. If you score, you score. If not, I'm happy to have (Stewart) score."


Thoughts on the victory: "That was a great team win. Everything we did, we did it as a team. When you're down, you've got to fight as a team; when you're up, you've got to fight as a team. That's what we did today. That's who we are as a team – we never give up. And that's what we did today. We've got a great group of guys and it's fun to be back, it's fun to be back out with the guys. It's a great win for us."

On the physical nature of the game: "We've played them for four years in a row – it kind of turns into a division game a little bit. That's just how it is – we are two physical teams. That's what happens when two physical teams get together – it gets a little chippy – but that is what makes it fun."

On the team's willingness to battle: "That's how it's been since I've gotten here. No matter what our record is or where we are [in that standings], that's what people always say; we are used to it, and it doesn't really affect us. We are going to do our job and concentrate on what's important, and that is what we can control."

On the team's approach to the final drive: "We've got to take it one play at a team. We have to understand there is still time left on the clock. The offense never gave up, the defense never gave up, [and] special teams gave us a spark in a couple of situations. That's what makes football fun – you never know what's going to happen."

On being 5-0: "Oh, it's great. We have to keep it rolling. We've got to enjoy this win for a short period of time, and then we've got to get ready for next week. That's what it is all about – you've got to have short term memory regardless of the outcome. Win or lose, you've got to understand there's always another week and you've got to make sure to put the best step forward."


On the victory: "It was a huge opportunity for us to come here and win this game. When things were looking bad, we kept pounding, we kept pounding. That's what we do – we went out and kept pounding. We continue to believe in each other. [The] defense got a stop when we needed it, [the] offense put up points when we needed it, and special teams made a huge play at the end to pin them deep. We were able to go out there as a defense and make the stop."

On moving forward: "At the end of the day, we have to move on. We can't just sit there and think that, 'hey we made it.' We still got work to do and a lot of games left."

On being 5-0: "It's a huge win – I have never been 5-0 before in the NFL, [let alone] 4-0. We're working, we're working. We're not where we need to be yet, but we're getting better every week. We are just playing team ball."

DT DWAN EDWARDS Thoughts on the victory: "It feels great – it was a crazy game. I am so proud of my teammates for continuing to battle throughout the whole game. Cam was amazing in that fourth quarter – we beat a great team, [it is] an awesome feeling. [We will] enjoy it on the way home and get ready for the next one."

On the play of  Russell Wilson: "He is tough. Our plan all week was to keep him in the pocket, and he finds ways to get out and make some plays on us. [Our] guys stayed in it, stayed focused, kept playing, and we battled it out in the fourth."

On the game-winning drive: "That's huge. It's a huge improvement for us. Being able to come back like that is going to give our offense some confidence for later games."


On Cam Newton: "Cam is a great leader. What can I say about him? He is an awesome dude, his teammates love him, he loves his teammates, and he does a great job just hanging in there. No matter how the game is going, we feel like we have a chance."

On being 5-0:"5-0 feels good. We beat a tough team today, and now get to go back and rest a little bit and get ready for the next game. We're just going to take it week by week."


On the game plan: "In every game we play, a huge part of our game is to establish the run game, and that's what opens up the play action and the pass game. It was obviously very important to establish the run."

On Jonathan Stewart's performance: "It means the world. You could tell that every single snap he was going to get as many yards as he possibly can, every single time. It's really inspiring for the offensive linemen to go out there and give it their all because we love that guy, and we know he is going to everything he can. The least we can do is go out there and block everyone."

View game action photos from Carolina's 27-23 win over Seattle.

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