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Michael Palardy Q&A

On when he received the call from the Panthers:"Around six o'clock last night. I was sitting down having dinner with my family and the kids. I put them to bed, and as soon as I put them to bed I got in the car had to drive four hours from Atlanta to here. Just another day!"

On how he told his family the news: "For a five and six-year-old, they can't really conceptualize what's going on all that well, but they know that to take care of my family and to take care of them, Dad has to work and Mom has to work. We have to make sacrifices sometimes, and they understand that. They're sad, and my fiancé was sad as well, so it was kind of hard for them, but they understand. They understood. I can talk to them anytime I want to and will get to see them on Friday."

On what he has been doing in anticipation of this opportunity:"Just staying in shape. I've been staying at home, and I have a lot of honey-do lists from my fiancé, building stuff, taking care of the house and doing my domestic duties."

On receiving the Panthers' call even though he's experienced similar situations:"I think the anticipation of it is the same, and I think that's what is a little bit easier for me to go through this process. I have been through this before, and I know anticipating that it could happen at any point and at any time during the day, whenever during the season. I just know that when it does happen, since I've done it before, I know how to handle it. The first couple times that it happened to me, it was hard. It was harder to say I have to leave, but eventually it got to the point where I was able to handle it and my family was able to handle it. They understood a little bit more the deeper that I got into it. I think that's what makes it a little bit easier on me is the fact that I do anticipate this situation coming up now and again because it has happened before."

On his vetting process:"It's pretty black-and-white. They ask me, 'Are you staying in shape? Have you been kicking?' and my answer is yes, because I know, like I said, it could happen at any time and I have to be ready to perform in a situation like this, and the last thing that I want to do is not be ready and underperform of the way that I know I'm capable of performing. Coming in in the middle of the season, I want to help out and I want to do my job and do it to the best of my ability so everybody around me has confidence in me and I have confidence in myself. I think that comes with the preparation side of it and just being ready for that phone call at any point in the day."

On his first opportunity to punt in the regular season:"I'm excited. To say that I wouldn't have a little bit of anxiousness to me, I'd be lying to you. I'm anxious right now, but I'm anxious because I'm excited to get out on the field. This is something I've been waiting for for the past three years. Coming out of college, my goal has always been to be in the regular season. Finally I get that opportunity, and I'm just licking my chops at the chance that I get to go out and perform in a regular season game and not just preseason."

On his interaction with punter Andy Lee:"In the short time that we've met each other, we've talked about a lot of things. I hate it for him. To hear that something like that happened to him with such an extensive career and what he's done in his career - it's tough. I'm sure it's tough on him. I can only imagine what he's going through, and I sent my condolences to him. It's a profession and we understand our roles, and I just have to come in here and understand my role and do the best I can to the best of my ability and go from there."

On being the holder: "Like I approach my job punting, I take it very seriously because it is part of my job. It's something they are asking me to do. Yes, they are asking me to punt, but I'm also here to hold and do what's necessary to make J.J. and Graham feel comfortable so come game time they don't have to worry about my job. We all understand that. I was here in the spring and I built a great relationship with Graham and J.J. I think that familiar territory is really going to help come Thursday and further into the season."

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