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Mike Goodson Q&A


Question and answer with Texas A&M running back Mike Goodson, the Panthers' first of two fourth-round draft choices (111th overall).*

On what position the Panthers would like him to play: I'm just excited man. I want to thank God first and then (running backs) Coach (Jim) Skipper for taking a chance on me. I'm just excited to be here and get a chance to play behind (Jonathan) Stewart and play for a great coaching staff in a great facility.

On if he knows Panthers' running back Jonathan Stewart: I've met him a couple of times at all-star games and watched him run.

On if he knows Panthers' running back DeAngelo Williams: No, I haven't had a chance to meet him.

On the work ethic of Williams and Stewart: I can't wait to get under those guys. I think I worked pretty hard in college, and coming in with some guys who I have heard and know work real hard, I can't wait to get under their wing and take in everything that they know.

On the possibility of moving to wide receiver in the NFL: I plan on being in the backfield, but anywhere they put me I'm just ready to play. I bring a pretty good slot receiver, also, so wherever they throw me I'm ready to play.

On if the Panthers talked to him about playing slot receiver: Yes they did.

On if the Panthers talked to him about returning kicks: I'm open for it. They told me they want to test me out in the return game. I'm ready, punt or kickoff.

On the decision to leave Texas A&M following his junior year: I sat down with my family, and really it just came down to it was my time to go. My experience at Texas A&M was great and I enjoyed being there, but I just felt it was time to go to the next level.

On if he was disappointed that he did not carry the ball more last season: Yes. As an athlete you always want to compete and get more than what you got. But I'm here now and I can just go on and try to make this part better.

On if lack of playing time was the main reason he left school early: Not the main reason but it played a part.

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