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Super Bowl Week: Panthers Quotes 2/3

QB Cam Newton

(on how his relationship with Panthers Owner/Founder Jerry Richardson grown through the years) "Absolutely, he's a great human. For him, just like (Panthers Head) Coach (Ron) Rivera, to be able to have played in this league and understand the rigors that a person may go through, it makes it easier for him to relate to you, you know? Mr. Richardson is a person that understands the value of togetherness. He has unbelievable morals that we have and things that we live by in the Panthers organization, and that's what makes it so fun to be able to be yourself, to look up to guys like Mr. Richardson and Coach Rivera and (Panthers General Manager) Mr. (Dave) Gettleman, that are family men and have been in the position that we're in right now."

TE Greg Olsen

(on what winning the Super Bowl would mean to Carolina owner/founder Jerry Richardson) "There's no question that the guys on the team and everybody understands that this would mean a tremendous amount to him. He deserves this for everything he's been though. What he's brought to the Carolinas, from founding this organization and watching it climb to these levels. He's done it the right way. He runs a really well-run organization. He keeps good people around. He's just a good person. You want to see good things happen to good people and this would obviously, I'm sure, be the highlight of his professional career."

(on how Offensive Coordinator Mike Shula has gotten the offense to respond) "I think what Shula has been able to do with the complexity of our offense is pretty special. There's not a lot of offenses like us, especially with our run game. With what we're able to do, obviously with Cam being a huge element to that. We've got guys going in motion. We've got guys going in the backfield that are receivers and running options. That's a complicated thing. And now throw on top of that, the next layer is, we're doing it most of the time without getting in a huddle. I think you have to give a tremendous amount of credit. I don't think he gets enough credit around the league. Every time you hear hot offensive minds and hot coordinators, I'm not sure why his name is not at the top of the list. But he's been able to do – not only this year, but these last couple of years building to this moment. I don't think enough can be said for what Mike has done."

LB Luke Kuechly

(on his ability to make more tackles than an average linebacker) "I think preparation is big key to that. Obviously you can know what you're doing in your defense and be able to react very well and that's an aspect. If you can study and be prepared for what teams are trying to do to you in given situations like first-and-10, or second-and-short, or their tendencies and formation-based runs, it helps. There is a lot of studying that goes into the week where I have seen this look in practice and on tape, so I will see this look in the game. So by the time the game rolls around hopefully you have seen that look a couple times and you can make that first step quicker and maybe allow you to get to the ball faster."

Safety Roman Harper

(on the team leaning on him for the Super Bowl) "I don't know about just this week, man. Just throughout the year, just kind of breeding confidence to them. Just understanding we can handle this. This is just another opportunity for us to go out there and show what we've been able to do all year long. That we're built for this, we're prepared for it. Trusting in our coaches and our preparation leading up to it. If we do that and do the right things off the field, we'll be just fine. Enjoy it for what it is. Take advantage of every opportunity. But at the end of the day, focus on what we need to do and that's win the game."

Center Ryan Kalil

(on having fun this season and the motivation that brings) "Well I think first and foremost it's a game. Football is a game and you know coaches since I've been little have always reminded players, make sure you're having fun and we've taken that to heart. And I think it starts with our head coach. A guys who's played and he's done a great job. And sort of the respect he commands because of his experiences. But obviously too we've done a great job in balancing that. I don't think you can just be a team that's loosey-goosey everywhere you go, and I think we preach keeping our personality but at the same time we work incredibly hard. And I know a lot of people see the dancing and all that kind of stuff. But week in and week out we do a great job in our preparation and coach does a great job in keeping that balance. And if we start to get too loose and not preparing enough, he'll reset us and get us focused again. And he'll do the same if we're going too uptight and not staying loose enough, he'll reset us the other way. So he's done a great job with that and that really stems from coach."

RB Jonathan Stewart

(on what makes this team unique) "I think what's unique about it is that we have a leader in Cam (Newton) that brings out the best of everyone. Then you have a coach that really instills morals and values. I think those assets really help us just become better men off the field. When you're overall not just talking about it just on the football field, but when you're actually putting those things into application off the field. Just being a total complete person with your personality, just having fun and just doing things the right way, supporting your families and what not, I think that just transfers to the football field a lot easier."

DE Charles Johnson

(on what makes the defense so special) "It's that everyone is on the same page. There aren't too many guys that are going to try to do their own thing. I've been around defenses where guys are selfish playing one-on-one ball and stuff like that, but everyone on our defense is holding each other accountable, making the plays, you just can't count on one guy to make a play. The whole group is a collective group of guys making plays throughout the whole season. Even if somebody got hurt, it's that next-man-up mentality and I haven't seen that in a while, but when you see it now, you're like 'We have depth and we have guys that can do their own thing.' That's a sign of a good defense."

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