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Transcript: Rivera on eve of training camp

On if any players didn't report: "Nope. Everybody's here and accounted for. They are about to do their conditioning test, so I'm pretty excited to see what happens."

On whether there's a sense of flux around the team: "No, I feel good about it. I think everything is in place. Like I said, we have everybody here. Coaches are here and ready to go. We had meetings this morning. Or early this afternoon. And we got our tests coming up next so I think we're ready to go."

On Greg Olsen putting the team first and reporting to camp:"Well, I appreciate that. I mean, again, that is something he'll be working out. They'll be working out. And we'll see how things go."

On importance of veterans saying and doing the right things:"Oh, very much so. And I mean, again, the thing that shows is this part is business. It's not a personal thing. It's about business. And they're professionals and they know what they have to do. We, as an organization, have to work things out and we'll see how it goes."

On if that sets a tone for the rest of the team:"Very much so. I really do. You know, I think it's one of those things that in spite of what's going on or what has gone on, these guys are here to do what they need to do because, again, they are professionals."

On Cam Newton's health: "Well, Cam is going do what he is slated to do. You know, he's still working with the doctors. And he had a good week last week from what I understand. I'm excited to see him tomorrow in action. There is a plan. He'll go according to what the trainers and doctors have worked out for him."

On when Netwon should be full-go: "The plan is built around just his recovery. However it's supposed to be. I really couldn't tell you that as much as the doctors will see after every day. I think they are mapping out in terms of how many throws he gets."

On how Newton looks at this point: "I feel good about where he is. The only thing I saw was the video that you all saw when he threw inside the locker room. After that, he's done with the trainers and with the guys up in Baltimore so, I'm excited to see him in person tomorrow.

"So I'm pretty excited about where he is right now. And again. He's been like this all off season. Considering the fact that he couldn't throw, but he worked very hard and very diligently. And like I said, I'm excited to see him on the field tomorrow."

On whether any players will be limited by injuries: "Well, there's a few guys still coming back and we'll work them in as the trainers have said it. For the most part, we'll just work our guys. And we know who's going to get how many snaps and those types of things already. They'll just basically work themselves into playing shape."

On if he had Any doubt that Thomas Davis or Greg Olsen would report to camp: "No. There was no doubt in my mind. Those guys are professionals. They know how to separate the team aspect from the business aspect. And you know, believe me, I really believe in those guys. And again, it's something that I've said, it's something this organization is going to work through. And I look forward to this season and getting started."

On the offense starting to come together with new pieces at camp: "This is exciting just because of the people we have. Again, you named most of them, but with a different look on our offensive line obviously, a different addition to our running backs and wide receivers, and then we get our quarterback back out there. I'm excited, there is some stuff we're going to work on, on the offensive side that will be a little bit different and I'm excited to see how that looks. We have a new defensive coordinator, so there are a lot of things that are going into play that is exciting for me, which makes it exciting for the team, so I think that makes it really cool."

On the differences in opening last year's camp versus this year: "I think the best thing, more so than anything else, is that it is a whole new approach: different attitude, different atmosphere. I do feel lighter, it really does, and it doesn't feel like my shoulders are being weighed down. I'm excited about it, I really am. I think we have a good football team. I think we've got some guys in place that, if they continue to grow as football players, then I think it will be a really good team." *On being picked last in NFC South by one preseason publication: *"When we were picked last in 2015 we did well, so to me when you pick preseason you are really going out on a wire because you just don't know how the teams are going to be or if everyone is going to stay healthy. As I look at it, we are going to take them one at a time. We will get into that mantra as we get ready to go, and we start looking towards getting ready to play for the first game."

On the defense coming to play hard in the spring and matching that in camp: "The offense didn't have all of their tools which is always difficult and the defense is always going to be ahead in mini camps. At least in my opinion, I always felt that way because there isn't the inconsistencies that they have on the other side of the ball. It's a little bit of excitement so we will see how things work themselves out tomorrow."

On Matt and Ryan Kalil arriving to camp together and how that may help Matt's transition to the Panthers: "Probably the biggest thing that is going to help Matt Kalil is that he is healthy. He had the offseason surgery a year ago, and he's done a great job with his rehab and simulating nicely with the way we do things. I think he has taken a nice shine to Coach Matsko and Coach Brown. I think both guys have been really good for him, as is Travelle Wharton who is here working with us as well in the minority-coaching program. I think those guys are going to be really good for him. I think Ryan getting to play with him for the first time will be a novel experience for him. I think these guys can really bounce back, and a lot of it just has to do with the hard work each of them are putting in."

On neeting with new general manager Marty Hurney about the roster: "Well, we went through the roster very nicely more so than anything else. He had some opinions, but he wanted to go through with me first and then he wanted to watch tape. We talked about some of the guys he saw, and then had questions about some of the others. I thought it was a really good exercise. We got really deep into it the first time, and then the second time we came back around, he had some specific questions about some people."

On Kelvin Benjamin's weight: "He's doing well. He looked really good. We aren't going to get into numbers, but he is where he needs to be and that's the best part, so we are excited about having him ready to roll."

On how Julius Peppers is looking: "He looked good. It's hard to believe that he's played ball for as long as he has in the League, but he has done a great job keeping himself in shape. He is a pro, and part of it will be up to us as far as monitoring him. There are a few veteran guys that we've really got to be smart with during training camp."

On what he is looking out for most in the first week of camp: "For the young guys, it's really going to be about their development and what steps they take in terms of going forward and what their retention is."

On how quickly the team will reset from last season: "I thought we handled it very nicely in the spring, and I want to see what it looks like in training camp. I can't wait till tomorrow."

On speaking with Michael Oher before his release: "Yes, we visited with Michael and we wanted to make sure that he understood that the most important thing was his health, more so than anything else. What we were doing is giving him an opportunity to take care of himself and giving him a chance to get healthy."

On the depth of the receiver position: "Well it goes back to what we have talked about before, which is making sure we have enough playmakers. It's an interesting circumstance because we are looking for some specific types of players, and as we go through this I thought we did a nice job in the draft, and found a couple of good guys in the free agency that we think can fit. Probably the biggest thing that we see is developing the guys that we have on the roster right now. You know, getting Kelvin Benjamin back in form and having Devin Funchess take the next step and then seeing which of those other young guys steps up. I think it will be an interesting challenge but a very competitive group."

On Trai Turner's contract extension: "It's one of those things that had been in the works to begin with. The timing of it was good for us as a football team. Having the deal done really signifies that we are going to take care of our own. He is also one of the key positions on our offense. Your right guard is someone that has to be special because he ends up being singled up a lot especially in our three technique, and usually gets the best pass rusher on the opposing defense. He's a guy that can handle that. It was important we got his deal done."

On the kicking competition: "It really got going at the end of minicamp. I was really pleased. I thought all of the punters and kickers did a great job. They each have their own personality and style. Graham Gano kicked the ball strong at the end. Andy Lee showed his leg strength. I love the consistency of Michael Palardy. The young kicker (Harrison Butker) is starting to get more and more comfortable kicking the ball and you can really see his leg strength. It's going to be very competitive once we start kicking the ball, whether that starts tomorrow or Thursday. I'm excited about the competition."

On rookies Alex Armah and Daeshon Hall: "Alex did a nice job getting used to playing on the offensive side. He's a very bright young man and has learned very quickly. He seems to be picking up the offense. You saw his athleticism come through in a very limited way in terms of half pads on so you didn't get to see it. I thought Daeshon grew a lot. I am excited to see him. He comes from a good program out of Texas A&M and showed his athleticism. As we got further and further in to minicamp he looked better and better."

On Newton's confidence: "I think it's very high right now because of all the work he put in this year. I really mean that. He has done a great job and had a tremendous offseason. From what I hear about how things went in Baltimore, I think his confidence is very high. As we go into training camp and start playing I believe he will build on that every day."

View photos of players as they report to Panthers training camp at Wofford College.

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